Table of Contents
training through simulation of clinical scenarios and frameworks
see also:
main training resources
- Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) - training and courses
- Advanced Trauma Life support (ATLS):
- originated in USA in 1976 and the framework is published by the American College of Surgeons
- Early Management of Severe Trauma (EMST)
- RACS - EMST - ATLS in Australia
third party providers of simulation-based courses
- The Childrens at Westmead:
- Australian ED resuscitation education facility
- founded by Dr Peter Kas (FACEM)
- faculty includes:
- Dr Phillip Chapman (FACEM)
- Dr John Katsoulis (specialist nephrologist, Sunshine Hospital)
- Penny Kas (National Manager for Education)
- SOMA Health Simulation Centre:
- private simulation centre run by Dr Kas and located at Suite 611, 1 Queens Rd, Melbourne ph: 1300 790 746
List of resources for the Education and Medical Simulation Registrar at Western Health
"Zoom Sim"
A practical guide to virtual debriefings: communities of inquiry perspective
Authors: Adam Cheng, Michaela Kolbe, Vincent Grant, Susan Eller, Roberta Hales, Benjamin Symon, Sharon Griswold & Walter Eppich; Advances in Simulation volume 5, Article number: 18 (2020)
"Translational Simulation"
Translational simulation: not ‘where?’ but ‘why?’ A functional view of in situ simulation
Victoria Brazil Advances in Simulation volume 2, Article number: 20 (2017)
"In Situ Sim"
In Situ Simulation
Langenfeld J. (2020) In: Carstens P., Paulman P., Paulman A., Stanton M., Monaghan B., Dekker D. (eds) Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation: Mobile Medical Simulation. Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation. Springer
Crash testing the dummy: a review of in situ trauma simulation at a Canadian tertiary centre
Samuel Minor, MD, Robert Green, MD, and Samuel Jessula, MD
Cardiac Arrest in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory: Initial Experience With the Role of Simulation Setup and Training
Omar Al-Mukhtar, MD, P Cert CR, Irma Bilgrami, MD, FCICM, Samer Noaman, MD, FRACP, … First Published August 25, 2020
"Debrief Essentials"
Standards of Best Practice: Simulation Standard VI: The Debriefing Process
Authors: SharonDeckerPhD, RN, ANEF, FAANaMaryFeyMS, RNbStephanieSiderasPhD, RN, C.A.P.A.cSandraCaballeroMSN, RNdLeland (Rocky)RockstrawPhD, RNeTeriBoeseMSN, RNfAshley E.FranklinMSN, RN, CCRN, CNEgDonnaGloeEdD, RN-BChLoriLioceDNP, FNP-BC, CHSE, FAANPiCarol R.SandoPhD, RN, CNEjColleenMeakimMSN, RNkJimmie C.BorumMSN, RN, CNS
More Than One Way to Debrief
A Critical Review of Healthcare Simulation Debriefing Methods
Sawyer, Taylor DO, MEd; Eppich, Walter MD, MEd; Brett-Fleegler, Marisa MD; Grant, Vincent MD; Cheng, Adam MDAuthor Information Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare: June 2016 - Volume 11 - Issue 3 - p 209-217
Crisis simulation helps find the right anaesthesia trainees
Dr Candida Marane et al