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polymyalgia rheumatica


  • PMR is a clinical syndrome characterized by severe aching and stiffness in the neck, shoulder girdle, and pelvic girdle.
  • closely linked to temporal arteritis (giant cell arteritis)
    • 25% of patients with PMR experience temporal arteritis, and if this is present there is a risk of damage to the arteries of the eye which can rapidly lead to blindness.
    • 50% of patients with temporal arteritis will have PMR at the same time.
  • mainly a condition of those older than 50 years in whom it affects 1 in 200, but particularly females (M:F ratio 1:2), aged over 70 years.

clinical features

  • pain and aching of proximal muscle groups (hip/pelvis/shoulders/neck in particular), usually worse in the morning or after inactivity and of relatively abrupt onset
  • non-specific clinical findings
  • general constitutional symptoms of malaise, fatigue, low grade fevers, weight loss
  • muscle tenderness but no weakness or atrophy
  • rare complications include stroke (CVA) and abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA)

diagnostic criteria

  • bilateral shoulder or pelvic girdle aching – or both
  • morning stiffness longer than 45 minutes
  • age older than 50 years
  • duration >2 weeks
  • evidence of an acute phase response (raised ESR and/or raised CRP)

differential diagnosis

confirmatory investigations

  • normochromic normocytic anaemia in 50% of cases
  • normal creatinine kinase level (thus excludes myositis)
  • negative finding for rheumatoid factor (thus makes rheumatoid arthritis less likely)
  • mild elevations in liver function test results
  • mild nonspecific synovitis
  • negative muscle biopsy findings
  • US may reveal multiple bursitis and tendonitis in the shoulder regions

Indications for referral

  • atypical features
    • age < 60yrs
    • chronic onset > 2 months
    • lack of shoulder involvement
    • lack of inflammatory stiffness
    • prominent systemic features of weight loss, night pain, or neurologic signs
    • features of other rheumatic disease
    • normal or extremely high acute phase response (ie. ESR or CRP)
  • treatment issues
    • incomplete or poor response to steroids
    • inability to taper steroids
    • C/I to steroids
    • prolonged steroid Rx > 2yrs


  • check for temporal arteritis
  • prednisolone
    • usual starting dose should be around 0.2mg/kg (ie. 12.5-15mg mane for most 60-70kg patients) 1) 2) 3)
    • may need higher dose if not responding within 7-14 days although some 25% do not respond to steroids
    • once responded, and ESR, CRP have fallen to much lower levels, then taper dose eventually hopefully a daily dose of 1mg/d may suffice, but may need Rx for 2-3 years
    • example regime for average body weight patients assuming adequate responses:
      • 15mg/d for 3wks followed by weaning plan thereafter: 12.5mg for 3wks, then 10mg for 4wks, and then reduce by 1mg every month
  • referral to rheumatologist
  • monitor erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) to help guide prednisolone dosing
  • usually need monthly review then quarterly to watch for response to steroids and their complications.
  • exacerbations occur if steroid dose tapering is too rapid
pmr.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/29 03:02 by gary1

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